From the Publisher – September/October 2021

Did the new school year sneak up on anyone else, or is it just me? For the first time in my adult life, I had a summer where I could linger over coffee on the back porch and hang out with my family in the mornings before heading to the office. There were fireflies, drives through the Ozark mountains, beach days, a new puppy and lots of Popsicles. I didn’t want it to end.
Now that school is back in session, it’s back to the daily grind—orchestrating baths, bedtimes, school lunches, homework and all of the other fun things that come along with having school-aged children. In this issue, you’ll find some information that can help you navigate those back-to-school feelings.
In What Educators Wish Parents Knew, author Taryn Givan asked educators from all over our area to share valuable insights that can help parents understand how hard our schools are working to support all of their students.
Katy Beth McGahey’s Five Genius Organization Hacks is a must-read for any parent who struggles to manage mountains of paperwork, homework supplies and laundry (like me).
You’ll also find healthy meal and snack ideas and learn how after-school activities benefit our kids. We couldn’t fit it into the magazine, but we’ve put together a handy directory of after-school activities at We expect this list to grow, so if there’s something missing, email me at [email protected]! We’ll also be compiling a list of Trunk or Treats and fall festivals on our website as they’re announced.
I’m very excited to feature local 15-year-old gymnast Joscelyn Roberson in this issue, along with her parents Ashley and Jeff. I have little doubt that we’ll see Joscelyn competing in the Olympics someday, so you may want to go ahead and have her autograph this issue!
I’m at the point in my parenting journey where it’s really hitting me that my kids are growing up fast. Until now I’ve always had a tendency to work too much, building a business after hours while working a full-time job and taking on multiple volunteer roles. This summer, I made a conscious effort to scale back and savor every little moment with my kids. Every sticky hug. Every tickle fight. Every bike ride. And though the fall semester seemed to start earlier than ever, I am ready to watch my kids learn, grow and make new friends at school.
Here’s to a new school year and the new opportunities, challenges and knowledge that come along with it. Here’s hoping you all have a safe, healthy and productive semester!