Parent Profile: Belinda Hutcheson

by Melissa Blair
Belinda Hutcheson, Katie 13, Nathan 10, Andrew 8. Belinda was born and raised in Belem, Brazil. Her parents were southern Baptist missionaries in Brazil. Belinda is now a Pediatrician in Texarkana.
What are you currently reading?
Your Boy by Vickie Courtney
What’s the favorite book you’ve read to your kids?
We like to read biographies when we are on road trips. We have read Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Daniel Boone, Babe Ruth, etc. My favorite series is the “Childhood of Famous Americans.”
When did you know you wanted to be a parent?
There wasn’t one defining moment. I have always enjoyed kids.
Parent gear you can’t live without?
My minivan! I love my “swagger wagon!”
If you could go back in time to a moment with your child when would it be?
I love the 18 month to 5 year old stage. Everything is amazing and new to them. However, I wouldn’t trade it for the years we are in now. They can bathe on their own, dress themselves, and feed themselves! I love the fact that we can have meaningful conversations about God and life! I love every stage so far!
If you could teleport to anywhere in the world to spend a day by yourself, where would you go?
I guess it would be the beach, any beach. I could sit for hours and listen to the waves roll in. I love being outside and seeing all the beautiful things that God made for us to enjoy.
My kids won’t eat, and I won’t even eat….
Pickled Beets…yuck! They won’t eat it because I have never offered it to them. Who eats those things?
What is your proudest parenting moment?
When my kiddos asked Jesus into their heart! Still praying for the last one!
What is your favorite childhood movie?
What were you most terrified of as a new parent?
I wasn’t really terrified of anything.
I was fairly cocky actually. I was almost a pediatrician (in my last year of training) when Katie was born, and I am the youngest of my family, so there are lots of nieces and nephews. I was fairly confident I knew what was coming my way! WOW, I was surprised. I felt like I got the rug pulled out from under me and the breath knocked out of me all at the same time. Ha! God humbled me for sure.
What advice do you have for new parents?
Do your best, and when you mess up ask your kids for forgiveness.
What is your favorite thing to do with your kids?
I LOVE lying down with each kid right as they go to bed. We talk a bit. It’s my favorite time to talk alone with each one.
What do you hope to teach your kids?
Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and be courageous enough to act on the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Do you have a favorite family tradition?
We decorate the Christmas tree and yard with Christmas lights on the afternoon of Thanksgiving!
What is your favorite time spent as a family?
I love being outside together as a family doing anything. Throwing the baseball or football, kicking the soccer ball, taking a walk, going on a bike ride.
A product you swear by?
Band aids, they fix everything!
Is there anything new you’d like to try with your family this year?
Have a more consistent family devotion time.