It’s Not About the Bunny

by Ashley Gibbs
Hey, it’s okay to fill each holiday with Pinterest projects and homemade gifts if that’s what you’re into. Maybe in addition to baby chicks and cake pops, we could also incorporate a few good, lessons into those super mom moments. This Easter season can be a chance to start a new tradition with your family or share the story of the Resurrection with others. Although I’m not saying there is any reason you can’t do it in a cute and crafty way, of course… so here are a few ideas to get you going.
Easter Egg Countdown
Make time for your family to sit down together and get this sweet and simple project started. All you will need is empty plastic Easter eggs, strips of blank paper, and something for everyone to write with. Each family member can write on the strips of paper specific people or things that they would like for the family to pray about in the days leading up to Easter, and then put them inside the plastic eggs. You can display the eggs by putting them all in a basket together, prop them up in an empty egg crate, or string them up like a banner (most plastic eggs have a tiny hole in them that some thin twine will fit through). Each day have someone choose an egg to open and have family prayer time.
Jelly Bean Poem
This treat is perfect for little hands. It can be done as a fun lesson just for your kiddos, sent in individual bags to school to be shared with classmates, or stick it in a lunchbox as a special reminder for any aged child. Grab a variety bag of jellybeans and get ready to do some sorting. Stick one of each color jellybean to go along with the poem in a plastic egg or a small baggie, and print or write out the poem to go along with the jellybeans.
- Red is for the blood he gave,
- Green is for the grass he made.
- Yellow is for the sun so bright,
- Orange is for the edge of the night.
- Black is for the sins we made,
- White is for the grace he gave.
- Purple is for his hour of sorrow,
- Pink is for our new tomorrow.
Lunchtime Laughs
On the lighter side, my kids love surprise notes in their lunchboxes or left next to their beds, so I am always looking for free downloads of little cards to cut out for them. They are usually simple to find if you search “free lunch box notes.” We love them year around, but especially for holidays. Here is a link to print out your own Easter laughs; they are guaranteed to be a hit at the lunch table.