Student Spotlight: Lydia Lee

Questions for Lydia:
What is something you’ve learned (a skill, a trait, a lesson) from being dyslexic?
Listening, patience, and hard work.
What’s your favorite piece of technology that helps you communicate?
My iPhone and laptop. There are lots of cool apps out there that are very helpful.
What do you want the world to know about being dyslexic?
It must have been so hard being dyslexic before the technology age. We all have obstacles. I am thankful for my ability to see things differently. I like to think outside of the box!
What are three things you’re amazing at?
Tennis (I work on this daily—maybe not “amazing” just yet!), drawing, and talking/listening.
What would you tell a child who was just diagnosed with a learning difference?
Don’t get down on yourself. You are going to be just fine. Look for the positive. Lots of famous people and CEOs have learning differences—I think it is the thinking outside of the box and seeing things differently than everyone else that helps us succeed. It might take you longer to do some things, but you are just as capable as anyone else.
Questions for Parents Ashley and Lance Lee:
When and how was Lydia diagnosed with dyslexia? What was that like?
Her first grade teacher at St. James suggested that we have her tested. We took her to a friend in Little Rock who does testing. We were somewhat shocked but had known something was off. Initially we were overwhelmed by the prospect of having to figure out how to get her on the right track, but we quickly found support and resources through Traci Anderson and Alix Matteson.
What has been the most surprising part of Lydia’s (and your) journey with dyslexia?
We would both agree that it has to be the way Lydia has approached it. She understood early on—better than we did—that her mind simply works in a different way and that there isn’t anything wrong with that.
How do you advocate for Lydia in educational settings?
We have a meeting with her teachers before the school year begins to discuss her accommodations and the technology that she uses in the classroom and at home for homework. She is really good about self-advocating at school with day-to-day things, and she knows what she needs to be successful. Texas Middle School has been great about having open lines of communication.
What makes you most proud of Lydia and the way she handles life with dyslexia?
We are so proud of her work ethic. She understands that she has to work harder than most to reach her potential. Lydia is an extremely smart young lady, and she is very driven. When she was diagnosed, she told Ashley, “You and Dad don’t have to worry about me. I’m going to be just fine.” We didn’t realize it at the time, but she had decided then that she was going to meet dyslexia head-on. The work she has put in to deal with dyslexia has spilled over into every facet of her life.
What would you tell other parents who may suspect their child has a learning difference?
If you suspect something is wrong, do the testing. Don’t approach it as if it is a disability; it’s just a difference. Someone with dyslexia is just as capable as anyone else; they might just learn information in a different way. Be encouraging and supportive. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek help.