Parent Profile: Paul Norton

by Melissa Blair / photo by April Graves
Name: Paul Norton
Occupation: 5th year as Superintendent
of School for Texarkana ISD
Spouse: Holly Norton
Children: Emily, 13, Julia, 9, and Caleb, 5
What I am currently reading?
The Bible and legislative updates
What were the favorite books I read to my children?
Jesus Calling for kids
Most embarrassing thing my child said in public?
It is funny but not suitable for printing!
When did you know you wanted to be a parent?
I’ve always wanted to be a parent and love the family that God decided to bless me with.
Parent gear you can’t live without?
Sports gear and lawn chairs because that is our life!
If you could teleport to anywhere in the world to spend a day by yourself, where would you go?
I wouldn’t want to go anywhere by myself but if my family could go it would be to Chicago to watch the Cubs win the World Series!
I wish my kids would eat….
Less chocolate!
My kids won’t eat, and I won’t even eat….
bell peppers.
Proudest parent moment to date…
was watching my girls get baptized.
My favorite childhood movie growing up was…
Hoosiers because I love rooting for the underdog in sports and in life.
Advice I offer to new parents…
is to enjoy the middle of the night feedings because you can feed them and rock them back to sleep…those days will be gone way too soon!
I hope to teach my kids how to…
trust God, lead others to Him, be respectful and to serve others.
Best parenting advice you’ve ever received?
Make memories together as a family because before you know it your kids will have a family of their own.
Do you have a favorite family tradition?
We read the story of Christ’s birth on Christmas Eve night and the story of his resurrection on Easter. We also do a fun scavenger hunt on Christmas for their gift together and they love running around the house finding the next clue!
What is your favorite time spent as a family?
Getting out of town together for a few days as a family so we can get away and enjoy some quality time together. Also, we enjoy sitting around the dining room table and doing one of two things: 1) playing the game Family Dinner Box of Questions Faith Edition where you turn over a card and have to answer a question or 2) playing High/Low where everyone goes around and talks about their best moment of the day and worst moment of the day. But truly my favorite time of the day is when we pray together at night. These are all great ways to find out what your kids are thinking or worrying about.
What are you most proud of about your kids?
I am very proud that my kids love each other, they are respectful (most of the time) to others, they have dealt graciously with a lot of adversity at a young age and most importantly that they love and trust God.
Favorite thing to do with kids…
play outside and listen to them laugh together.