Student Spotlight: Jimmy “JD” Smith

How old are you, JD?
7 years old
Have you liked having long hair?
Kind of.
It is hard to take care of?
How do you feel about getting it cut?
I feel amazing, great, and awesome, and excited.
Do you think you will try to grow it out again?
Why do you want to donate your hair?
So, I could help families in need.
Where did you get the idea to donate it?
I got the idea from…… I am not sure. I saw a YouTube video about a fundraiser for cancer and it inspired me to continue growing my hair out to donate.
Was there any particular reason for letting his hair grow, Kenda?
No. He has gorgeous hair, so is dad and I decided to let it grow out when he was little.
How does JD like having long hair?
JD has loved his long hair and always enjoyed talking to people about it.
Does he have an active role in caring for his hair?
Yes, he washes it and tries to brush it, but it has really gotten too long for him to brush on his own.
When did you decide it was time to cut it?
He decided it was time to cut it. We have always told him it was his decision to make and talked about it off and on the last few years.
What made you think to donate it?
It was completely his idea to donate it. He wanted to ensure that it would go to someone it would benefit and he was adamant that he didn’t want the child that received it to have to pay for it.
Where did you decide to donate it?
After talking with friend and family we went with Wigs for Kids.
For more information about donating your hair to Wigs for Kids, visit
By Katie Stone