Let’s Go Geocaching!

by April Russell
Treasure-hunting isn’t just for the imagination anymore. With the help of some twenty-first-century technology, you and your family can go on a real hunt for buried treasure. No, we don’t mean chests full of gold doubloons. We’re talking about geocaching, a family-friendly sport that’s been growing in popularity since it began more than 14 years ago. And we have everything you need to get on the hunt for your very first cache!
What is Geocaching?
[Prounounced jee-oh-cash-ing] Geocaching is the sport of locating specific GPS coordinates to find hidden containers known as caches.What Makes Geocaching Fun?
Geocaching combines cool gadgets, exciting puzzles, and the great outdoors into a fun and inclusive sport that can be enjoyed by family members of all ages.
What is a Cache?
Caches can be anything from a tiny plastic canister to a fake rock with a secret compartment. Every cache contains at least one item: a logbook for finders to sign. Some caches contain other treasures that the owner or visitors have left for others to find.
What Do You Need?
You only need two things to get started: a GPS device or GPS-enabled phone, and a free membership to Geocaching. com.
Where Can I Find a Cache?
Use your Geocaching.com membership to find cache coordinates in your area, then use your GPS device to locate those coordinates.
Are There Any Rules?
If you take something from a cache, leave something of equal or greater value. Sign the logbook in the cache. Log your experience on Geocaching.com.