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Car Seat Safety! by Katie Stone

Car Seat Safety! by Katie Stone


Car seat safety is so important! As a mom, I am always thinking of my daughter’s safety. However, when she was a baby I was constantly second guessing myself on whether she was safe in her car seat. “She should be forward facing by now.” “She is too big for that car seat.” “She is too tall to be facing the back.” I heard everything from everyone. It was a constant worry for me. I wanted that peace of mind that my daughter was in the right seat and secured correctly. I recently found out about the Car Seat Safety Program that our local TX DOT offers out of Atlanta, TX. I am so glad that I did! Although, my daughter is now ten years old, it feels so good to be able to provide this information and support to the parenting community. You are not alone and they are here to help! Check out their website and the Care Seat Safety Program on their website.https://www.txdot.gov/safety/traffic-safety-campaigns/child-passenger-safety.html

See Also

Here are a few quick tips about car safety:

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