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Making Time for Fitness

Making Time for Fitness

Woman working out

by Valerie Solomon

“I do not have time!” It is the most common excuse people make for not exercising. As modern parents, our lives are filled to the brim with places to go, errands to run, obligations, and more. Many of us never get started with an exercise routine because we cannot see where we would fit it in. If we found 20 minutes to run, would it even make a difference?

The Center of Disease Control (www. cdc.gov) recommends that the average adult get 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week plus two days of strength training. That averages out to just 20-30 minutes a day. Getting fit does not have to be a huge time commitment. Ultimately, to live a long and healthy life and to teach your children how to do the same, you cannot afford NOT to take this time to invest in your health.

Through trial and error, I have learned that I will be the exact same level of “exhausted” by the time I tuck my kids in at night whether I have worked out or not. So, I choose to go to bed at night knowing that I have invested in my health. It is about choice, priorities, and planning. If I can help you take the first steps towards fitness, you can contact me at www.facebook. com/busymomgetsfit.

You do not have time. You make time.

We find time to do the things that are important to us. When you make fitness a priority in your family, it will eventually become part of the routine.

Find your reason/motivation.

Maybe your reason is to get healthy to be a good example for your kids; maybe you want to feel good about yourself. Whatever drives you forward, own it, buy into it, and do not let yourself slide.

Plan ahead.

Schedule your workouts on the family calendar days in advance. Pack your gym clothes and running shoes in the car so that you have them. Make lists, charts, or whatever works to keep you on track towards getting all of your workouts in during the week.

Ultimately, you have to convince yourself that you can.

I can list many ways that you could fit in fitness. But, you are the only one living your exact life – you have to make it work. Maybe you need to get up 20 minutes earlier; maybe you need to stay up a little later. Exercise while your kids practice soccer. The list could go on and on.

Busy Moms Find Fitness

Jane Portis, 42

Raising a 16 year old, staying strong for solar installations in Haiti.

“Being strong and fit makes it possible for me to be a part of this very rough trip. I have to carry equipment long distances that weighs 50 lbs, climbing, crouching, and long hours…AND I LOVE IT!”

See Also

Jessica Rich

“I am trying to find time to get the ‘baby weight’ off after having my second child and trying to get in shape before I turn 30. I want to be strong and healthy for my boys as their mother and to set a good example for them, and for my husband as his wife to stay healthy for him (body & soul) & for myself to be happy on the inside and out and to prove I can do it.”

Christy Mullinax Breiby, 32

Owner and photographer of Modeluno Photography, EMT, and busy mom of two.

“I am enjoying working hard, working out, and making fitness a priority.”

Amanda Barr, 29

Busy mom of Brixton and teacher.

“Finding the time to workout can be difficult to juggle, but making the sacrifice in my schedule allows the entire family to reap the rewards. Being strong on the outside makes me stronger on the inside as well.”

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