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6 Ways To Help Prepare Your Child To Hunt

6 Ways To Help Prepare Your Child To Hunt

by Heather Thomson

1) Research and Register your child for hunter education.

Depending on the state which you chose to hunt, regulations will vary. Your child will need a required amount of education courses before they can hunt. Research the state in which you will be hunting in and make a checklist of paperwork and requirements for your hunter.

2) Get equipment ready. 

Hunting can be expensive, so plan carefully what they will need. Some items can be borrowed and other equipment will have to be purchased. Help your child make a checklist and get started early preparing them for the necessities.

3) Take them to practice and reinforce safety

Under careful supervision your child can learn to hunt safely. There are shooting ranges that you can go to for practice.  The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has a great tool at wheretoshoot.org website.

Participants at a youth hunt at Chapman Ranch in Red River County near Avery, Texas

4) Learn the hunting game laws and regulations. 

Texarkana is within distance to many great hunting areas in several states, but be sure to check in which state you will be hunting and then abide by the correct rules and regulations. Teaching these rules and regulations to your child is very important to helping him or her grow as an ethical hunter.

5) Purchase a hunting license.

Check the state in which you are hunting to see what is required for each hunter.

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Hot Cocoa

6) Locate a public or private place to hunt. 

There are many public places to take your child to hunt. Hunting is an ideal outdoor adventure that will expose your child to the great outdoors.


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